The Cell

Shadows dancing along the wall
Reminds me of happier times,
But I’ve been stuck in this cold, dark cell
Since my supposed crimes.

I never meant to fall in love,
But how was I supposed to defend against you?
I was yours from the very beginning
But only you knew.

Every little touch you gave me
Sent shivers down my spine
We thought we had forever
But we missed the biggest sign.

Cancer, the taker of innocent lives
Ran rampant through your body
I screamed for God to spare you
But he ignored my desperate plea.

My love was taken from me
No more dancing under the stars,
No more intimate kissing
Of my battle scars.

No one sees the newest wound
For I hide it from the rest
But it is the most painful
And located in my chest.

My life has grown quite darker
Now that you have passed on,
Tears are my only companion
As I become Depression’s pawn.

Depression is a lonely bastard,
For he keeps me in my cell,
Never releasing me to the world
No matter how loud I yell.

So until my final moments
And I break free from my chain,
I will ask for forgiveness
So I can be with you once again.