The Blade

He comes to flirt with his restless blade
Holding her fragile life within his hands,
Her veins the most morbid temptation
Always ordered through quiet demands.

As his darkened visage approaches her
He whispers in a husky voice,
Her name in a thousand lost languages
And a blackened heart starts to rejoice.

The fallen angel kisses her brow
As her blood pulsates under her skin,
A smile crossing his perfect lips
And a warmth starts from within.

The hungry blade calls forth
The bloodshed that it craves,
Not caring whether or not the victims
End up inside their graves.

The dark angel takes the blade
Within his shaking grasp
Destroying the wings that enslaved him
For some many years in the past.

With his new found freedom
He turns to his true love,
Whisperings of forgiveness
From her and those above.

Broken feathers the color of night
Scattered by the chilling winds,
Encircle the two young lovers
As they are forgiven for their sins.